Jack O. Stephens II, CRFA, CSA
Certified Retirement Financial Advisor TM, Certified Senior Advisor TM




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What is Coaching?


Coaching is a professional relationship where you get support and solutions, to bring about a desired result, using ideas and methods you might not think of on your own. Coaching is quickly becoming one of the leading tools successful people use to live extraordinary lives. What is keeping you from achieving your full potential? I believe that everyone has greatness inside him or her and that everyone would like to realize that greatness. You get the support you need, to produce the solutions you need, to create the results you want - faster and easier than you could on your own. 

 Most people are too busy earning a living to create a life. I call it a rut, and the only difference between a rut and a grave is 6 feet. As your Coach I will help you discover your blind spots, areas in your life you can’t see. Most people continue doing the same things day in and day out, hoping for different or better results. I believe that if what your doing isn’t working, stop doing it! The problem is that most people don’t know what it is they are doing wrong. Coaching is not THERAPY or PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING and should not be substituted for either. 

Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world according to every authority, magazine and most of the other players I have heard interviewed about the game. Tiger Woods has a coach. Tiger Woods was one of the best young golfers in the world when he won his first Masters at the age of 22. To you or me he was perfect and did not need fixing. To professional coach, Butch Harmon, he needed to make some changes in his swing, changes he couldn’t see and changes you and I didn’t notice. Tiger listened to Butch Harmon and is now considered the best golfer to ever play the game. With his original swing he would have won tournaments but his career could have been considerably shorter. Tiger went from really good to the best golfer in the world because of a few adjustments, the ability to concentrate and not being afraid to ask for help. 

Coaching is not just technique, setting goals and motivating a person. It’s about changing some of the basic tenets of your life. Unless you identify these underlying forces your progress will be slow and your successes short lived. Coaching helps you to expand your horizons one step at a time.

 Copyright © 2015 Jack O. Stephens II