Jack O. Stephens II, CRFA, CSA
Certified Retirement Financial Advisor TM, Certified Senior Advisor TM




bullet Insurance
bullet Estate Planning
bullet Social Security Online


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bullet Who Needs A Coach?


Business Insurance

Insurance is the proper vehicle to make sure your business and your family are not financially burdened if something should happen to you.  You may need Buy/Sell Insurance, Key Person Insurance, or insurance to assure continued operation or pay taxes.  Insurance is often overlooked as an important partner at a very low wage.

When we analyze your current situation and your future needs we will leave no stone unturned to assure your wishes are carried out.


Personal Insurance

Insurance is a very important tool in the attainment of your financial goals for your family because it is willing to stand in your place if you are unable to complete your plan.  We hope we will never need to have insurance stand in our place but the truth is we have others counting on us to follow through on our promises and so many times through no fault of our own, fate, our great plans for our family never come to fruition.

Insurance is a partner, willing to go to work at a low wage, who will never be late to work, who will give you comfort and security while your laying the foundation of you plan. Insurance can be a partner that will not ask for a raise and eventually can be reassigned to a different job or terminated if its services are no longer needed.   Insurance can insure that our pension plans are maximized, that our children are educated, that our mortgages are paid and the memory of us is positive.

Don’t add insult to a time of crisis by neglecting to hire one of the most important partners you can have.



 Copyright © 2015 Jack O. Stephens II