Jack O. Stephens II, CRFA, CSA
Certified Retirement Financial Advisor TM, Certified Senior Advisor TM




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Estate Planning


Each year many Americans pay millions of dollars in unnecessary state and federal income tax and estate taxes.  By using the proper vehicles provided for you under the various codes and laws you can legally lower and sometimes eliminate these taxes.

For many people their only estate plan is a simple will, which gives them a false sense of security and many don’t even have a simple will and are not aware of the headaches and heartaches they are going to leave to their loved ones.

We will review your current estate plan and make necessary recommendations.   Estate planning is more than just investment consultation.   If a CPA or Attorney is needed we have the best sources in each field available to guide you to a successful plan.   Poor estate planning is as bad and sometimes worse than no estate planning at all.


 Copyright © 2015 Jack O. Stephens II